Quick Release V Band Clamp With Flanges
★ W4-all the parts are SS304
V Band Clamp With Flanges
★ W4-all the parts are SS304
Aluminum HD V Band Clamp
★ Burst pressure rating of 800psi,with stands up to 400°F
★ For turbo exhaust downpipes piping
★ These aluminium clamp flange are designed for welding to your pipes and clamping
exhaust components together,and together with the aluminum quick release clamp
★ Ideal for race applications with highly advanced pressurized air applications andturbo
intake charge piping,while the traditional vanjen clamp is great for everyday street applications
★ All the parts are aluminium
★ Flanges is aluminum,can also make SS304
V Bangd Pipe Clamp
★ V band clamp is mainly used for flange connection and fixation,automobile exhaust pipe
★ Turbocharger inlet and exhaust pipe etc
★ V band has large torque,usually its main material is made of stainless steel
★ Application
• Diesel engines
• Turbochargers
• Heavy duty exhaust systems
★ W2 -Band and V groove are SS200 or SS300 series,others are carbon steel
★ W4 -All the parts are SS200 or SS300 series